A month after I lost in the woods, I was back to the campground near Emerald Bay.
It was overcast and drizzling when I arrived there unlike Tahoe’s typical summer weather. It was refreshing for summer. Even the plants looked renewed.
I got up at 5 am before dawn; of course it’s still dark, and walked on the highway about a mile to the overlook of Emerald bay. The east sky began turning to rose colors when I got there. I quickly set up my camera. Then, it faded to gray before the sun actually came out over the Sierra range.

The sun rose above the peaks and painted the lake and the bay as a bright orange. Then, it hid behind strips of thin clouds. The rays came through the clouds like an old religious painting. It was breathtaking! It was one of the best sunrise I have ever seen!

One boat had just took off and drawing beautiful lines toward the sun.

I moved to another location over eagle falls. The sun moved into another cloud and beams came through again! I love the spectacular sunrise.